November 11th

Nov 11, 2017 12:02
I think that it's not widely known, but there are some anniversaries every single day of the year.

Among them, November 11th is a special day.

This day has 31 different anniversaries in 2015, and now, it has 44 different anniversaries.

The most popular anniversary of November 11th is probably "Pocky & Pretz Day."

I wrote about this anniversary on November 11th last year.

Besides, there are "Heteroconger Hassi Day," "Salmon Day," "Mirror Day," "Origami Day," and many other anniversaries, then we celebrate them.

However, I think that it's too much.

To tell you the truth, I haven't known these anniversaries other than "Pocky & Pretz Day" until today.







No. 1 friendfromfaraway's correction
  • November 11th
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think that it's not widely known, but there are some anniversaries every single day of the year.
  • I think that it's not widely known, but there are some uanniquve holidrsayries for every single day of the year.
  • Among them, November 11th is a special day.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I wrote about this anniversary on November 11th last year.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Besides, there are "Heteroconger Hassi Day," "Salmon Day," "Mirror Day," "Origami Day," and many other anniversaries, then we celebrate them.
  • Besides, there are "Heteroconger Hassi Day," "Salmon Day," "Mirror Day," "Origami Day," and many other anniversaries, thenat we celebrate them.
  • However, I think that it's too much.
  • However, I think that (44) it's too many!uch.
  • To tell you the truth, I haven't known these anniversaries other than "Pocky & Pretz Day" until today.
  • To tell you the truth, I haven't known of these anniversaries other than "Pocky & Pretz Day" until today.
鮭の日? 笑 I like 2/2, ツインテールの日 (^○^)
Thank you so much for correcting my post!

「圭」は「土 土」に分解され、それはさらに「十 一 十 一」に分解されます。
「十一」は 11 を意味するので、11月11日は鮭の日だそうです。
